yang bernama Faaris pernah bertanya kepada Asy-Syaikh Shaalih Al-Fauzaan hafidhahullah : “Apakah Asy-Syaikh Rabii’ merupakan pembawa panji/bendera al-jarh
wat-ta’diil ?”
menjawab : “Al-jarh wat-ta’diil hanya dalam (ilmu) hadits, yaitu dalam
riwayat dan dirayah saja”.
berkata : “Wahai Syaikh, mereka menggunakan perkataan Al-Albaaniy bahwa ia
(Asy-Syaikh Al-Albaaniy) mengatakan tentang diri Asy-Syaikh Rabii’ adalah
pembawa panji/bendera al-jarh wat-ta’diil”.
Al-Fauzaan berkata : “Apa yang dikatakan Al-Albaaniy atau selain Al-Albaaniy
bukan menjadi urusan kami”.
berkata : “Wahai syaikh, di sisi kami terdapat orang-orang yang
menggunakan perkataan Asy-Syaikh Rabii’ (sebagai timbangan) : ‘Jika engkau
tidak men-tabdi’ orang yang di-tabdi’ Asy-Syaikh Rabii’, maka
engkau akan di-tabdi’ atau di-hajr”.
berkata : “Tidak ada urusannya kalian atas mereka. Anggaplah mereka seperti
tidak ada. Sibukkanlah diri kalian dengan dakwah kepada Allah, dan ajarkanlah
manusia kebaikan”
penterjemahan - abul-jauzaa’, ciomas permai, ciapus, ciomas, bogor - 23121434/28102013
– 00:35 – sumber : sini].
: Mari kita sibukkan diri kita untuk berdakwah mengajak manusia kebaikan !
asli :
سألت الشيخ العلامة الفوزان - حفظه الله هل
الشيخ ربيع حامل لواء الجرح والتعديل
فقال الجرح والتعديل في الحديث يعني في الراوية والرواة فقط
فقال الجرح والتعديل في الحديث يعني في الراوية والرواة فقط
فقال السائل يا شيخ هم يحتجون بكلام
الألباني أنه قال في الشيخ ربيع حامل لواء الجرح والتعديل
قال الشيخ الفوزان : ما علينا من الألباني
ولا غير الألباني
فقال السائل يا شيخ عندنا أناس يحتجون
بأقوال الشيخ ربيع ، وإن لم تبدع من بدعه الشيخ ربيع قد تبدع أو تهجر
قال ما عليك منهم اعتبرهم غير موجودين ،
واشتغلوا بالدعوة إلى الله ، وعلموا الناس الخير
Words from Shaykh Muhammad Nasir ud-Din al-Albani
"Listen my brother. I sincerely advise you and other youths like you, who stand upon a type of deviation - as it seems to us, and Allah knows best - that do not waste your time in refuting each other, saying that such and such has this in him, and such and such has that in him. This is because; firstly: there is no knowledge at all in this, and secondly: this mannerism only breeds enmity and hatred in the hearts, and causes contempt and rancour to develop in the hearts. So it is upon you to seek knowledge. It is knowledge that will make clear to you the reality of the speech which is in praise of a particular person having many mistakes, and whether he is deserving of being labelled as an innovator. Yet why do we wish to delve into such issues. Indeed I advise you not to delve into such issues. The reality is that we complain about this splitting which has occurred between those who ascribe themselves to the da'wah to the Book and the sunnah - or as we say, ad-da'watus-salafiyyah, the greatest cause of this splitting, and Allah knows best, is the following of whims and desires and the evil dictates of one's soul. It is not due to the presence of differences in thoughts and ideas. So this is my sincere advice."
Pak ustad, ijin share/copy beberapa atikelnya bagus sekali sangat membantu buat kepribadian saya tentang ilmu agama islam ,
terima kasih buat artikelnya
Words from Shaykh Muhammad Salih ibn al-'Uthaymin
"It is essential for a student of knowledge to safeguard his time from being wasted. And time wasting occurs in a number of ways: Firstly, that one leaves committing to memory and revising what one has read. Secondly, that one sits with his friends and indulges in vain and idle talk which contains no benefit. Thirdly, and this is the most harmful of them upon a student of knowledge - that he has no concern except pursuing people's statements with he said this and he said that (ma qila wa ma qala) and with what occurred and what is taking place regarding an issue that is of no concern to him. And there is no doubt that this is from a weakness of [his] Islam, since the Prophet, sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said, "Part of a person's good Islam is to leave alone that which does not concern him." And busying oneself with qila wa qala and excessive questioning are time-wasters. And it is, in reality, a disease which, when it comes into man - we ask Allah for well-being - it becomes his greatest concern. Due to this, he may even sometimes show enmity ('ada) to one who does not deserve enmity, or show allegiance (wala) to one who does not deserve allegiance, because of concerning himself with these issues which pre-occupy him away from knowledge, under the pretext of 'championing the truth', whilst this is not the case! Rather, this is part of pre-occupying oneself with an issue that does not concern him. If, however, a report comes to you without you having pursued or sought it, then all
people receive news, but they do not busy themselves with it, nor does it become their greatest concern. This is because this pre-occupies the student of knowledge, corrupts his affair and opens up for the 'ummah the door of bigoted partisanship (hizbiyyah), which then splits the 'ummah."
(s) Kitabul-'Ilm (204-205)
Assalamu'alaikum ustadz..
Mau tanya, apa hukum bekerjasama dengan ahli bid'ah dalam masalah dakwah..?
ust, tetangga sebelah sudah mengeluarkan raport merah syaikh 'aliiy hasan al halabi.
apa komentar antm?
Tidak ada komentar, karena (salah satu) kerjaan mereka memang membuat raport merah para ulama dan da'i yang dianggap kontra dengan kelompok mereka saja.
afwan ust, kami orang awam, justru kebingungan ttg hal ini, dari kubu ust dzul mengatakan syaikh ali hasan nilai merahnya banyak sekali(dari dammajhabibah), tapi bbrp waktu yg lalu, ust2 kita mengundang beliau utk mengisi di indonesia.
mohon pencerahan, krn kami tdk familiar (kurang gaul) dgn urusan persilatan di timur tengah.
Ya, memang begitulah ia (dan mereka), punya kegemaran menginventarisasi kesalahan ulama dan du'at. Adapun tentang daftar kesalahan Asy-Syaikh 'Aliy yang katanya banyak, dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi 4 :
1. Dusta (tuduhannya tidak benar).
2. Penuduh salah paham.
3. Kesalahan yang dituduhkan termasuk khilaf di kalangan ulama.
4. Memang murni kesalahan, sebagaimana ulama lain juga tidak akan luput darinya.
permasalahannya justru krn ust2 kita diam akan hal ini, ketika raport merah tsb di publish di bahasa lokal kita, ini membuat kami bingung.
ahsannya hal ini memang hrs dibhs dgn rinci.
mungkin antm dan ust2 yg lain sdh familiar dgn sanggahan thd raport merah ini (dari web yg diasuh oleh syaik ali hasan), nah kalo kami?
barakallahu fiikum
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